static void | AddAssemblyLoadFilter (AssemblyLoadFilterDelegate filter) |
| Adds a function that is used to filter whether an assembly should be loaded. This can be used to control which assemblies gets loaded. This is for very advanced usage only. The filters are used in the order in which they are added. More...
static ReadOnlyCollection< Type > | GetPlugins (Type pluginBaseType) |
| Returns a list of types that implement a specified plugin base type. This will load the assembly containing the type, if not already loaded. This will search for plugins if not done already (e.g. using PluginManager.SearchAsync()) More...
static PluginSearcher | GetSearcher () |
| Returns the PluginSearcher used to search for plugins. This will search for plugins if not done already (i.e. call and wait for PluginManager.SearchAsync())
static ReadOnlyCollection< TypeData > | GetAllPlugins () |
| Gets all plugins. I.e. all types that descend from ITapPlugin. Abstract types and interfaces are not included. This does not require/cause the assembly containing the type to be loaded. This will search for plugins if not done already (i.e. call and wait for PluginManager.SearchAsync()) Only C#/.NET types are returned. To also get dynamic types (from custom ITypeDataSearchers) use TypeData.GetDerivedTypes(ITypeData) instead.
static ReadOnlyCollection< Type > | GetPlugins< BaseType > () |
| Returns a list of types that implement a specified plugin base type. This will load the assembly containing the type, if not already loaded. This will search for plugins if not done already (i.e. call and wait for PluginManager.SearchAsync()) Only C#/.NET types are returned. To also get dynamic types (from custom ITypeDataSearchers) use TypeData.GetDerivedTypes(ITypeData) instead. More...
static AssemblyData | GetOpenTapAssembly () |
| Gets the AssemblyData for the OpenTap.dll assembly. This will search for plugins if not done already (i.e. call and wait for PluginManager.SearchAsync())
static Task | SearchAsync () |
| Start a search task that finds plugins to the platform. This call is not blocking, some other calls to PluginManager will automatically wait for this task to finish (or even start it if it hasn't been already). These calls include GetAllPlugins, GetPlugins<BaseType>, GetPlugins(Type), LocateType(string) and LocateTypeData(string) More...
static void | Initialize () |
| Ensures that the plugin manager is initialized.
static Type | LocateType (string typeName) |
| Searches through found plugins. Returning the System.Type matching the given name if such a type is found in any assembly in DirectoriesToSearch or mscorelib - otherwise null (e.g. for types located in the GAC) This will load the assembly containing the type, if not already loaded. This will search for plugins if not done already (i.e. call and wait for PluginManager.SearchAsync())
static TypeData | LocateTypeData (string typeName) |
| Searches through found plugins. Returns the OpenTap.TypeData matching the given name if such a type is found in any assembly in DirectoriesToSearch - otherwise null (e.g. for types located in the GAC). This does not require/cause the assembly containing the type to be loaded. This will search for plugins if not done already (i.e. call and wait for PluginManager.SearchAsync())
Static class that searches for and loads OpenTAP plugins.