OpenTAP 9.28
API Reference
Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations | Functions
OpenTap Namespace Reference


namespace  Cli
 Command Line Interface handling.
namespace  Diagnostic
 Contains diagnostic functionality like the OpenTAP logging system.
namespace  Package
 Package name space.
namespace  Plugins
 Plugin name space.


class  AllowAnyChildAttribute
 Used to specify that a TestStep class allows any class of step to be added as a child. More...
class  AllowAsChildInAttribute
 Identifies which TestStep types that allow this TestStep as a child. Parent type can be TestPlan. More...
class  AllowChildrenOfTypeAttribute
 Specifies that a TestStep class allows any child TestStep of a given type. More...
class  AnnotationCollection
 A collection of annotations. Used to store high-level information about an object. More...
class  AnnotationIgnoreAttribute
 Marks that a property should be ignored when annotating members. This can be applied as an optimization to properties in order to improve annotation performance. More...
class  AssemblyData
 Representation of an assembly including its dependencies. Part of the object model used in the PluginManager More...
class  AssignOutputEventArgs
 Event args for ITestStepPostRun mixin. More...
class  AttachmentType
 An "extensible Enum" that can be used to describe attachments. More...
class  AvailableValuesAttribute
 Marks that a property should be selected from a list in the UI. Points to another property that contains the list of possible values. More...
class  BeforeAttribute
 Ordering constraint for plugin types. This should be used 'before' something else. This is currently only support by implementations of IStringConvertProvider. If more than one of these attributes are used, it will try to find a type before all of them. More...
struct  BigFloat
 Arbitrary precision floating point numbers for exact numeric computations for when performance is not an issue. More...
class  BigFloatConverter
 Converter for OpenTAP arbitrary precision number types. More...
class  BreakConditionProperty
 Break condition is an 'attached property' that can be attached to any implementor of ITestStep. This ensures that the API for ITestStep does not need to be modified to support the BreakConditions feature. More...
class  BreakOfferedEventArgs
 Provides data for the TestPlan.BreakOffered event. More...
class  ChildItemVisibility
 Child item visibility implements the concept of showing or hiding a child item. This could for example be the child steps of a test step. More...
class  CliUserInputInterface
 Standard implementation of UserInputInterface for Command Line interfaces More...
class  ColumnDisplayNameAttribute
 Indicates that a property on a TestStep (a step setting) should be visible within a Test Plan editor UI. More...
class  ComponentSettings
 It is recommended to inherit from this class when implementing component settings. This class uses a recurrent template pattern to exhibit a kind of "static reflection". More...
class  ComponentSettingsLayoutAttribute
 Attribute used to specify how to display a ComponentSettingsList class in a GUI. More...
class  ComponentSettingsList
 Contains some extra functionality for the ComponentSettingsList. Created so that it is possible to know which (generic) ComponentSettingsList contains a given type. More...
class  Connection
 Object representing a connection between two Ports. Can be extended to add properties. More...
class  ConnectionSettings
 Settings specifying how DUTs and Instruments are connected. More...
class  ConsoleTraceListener
 A class that prints trace messages to the console. More...
class  DebuggerAttacher
 Class for managing debuggers. Set the OPENTAP_DEBUGGER_ASSEMBLY environment variable to make it possible to attach debuggers. The environment variable should contain paths to assemblies with IDebugger implementations. More...
class  DefaultDataAnnotator
 The default data annotator plugin. This normally forms the basis for annotation. More...
class  DefaultDisplayAttribute
 The default display attribute is used to mark when the display attribute is not specifically added, but just autogenerated instead of putting a null value. More...
class  DefaultPictureDataProvider
 Picture data provider for URI sources. More...
class  DelegateValidationRule
 Validation rule that takes a delegate as an argument. Used for writing error messages. More...
class  DeserializeInPlaceAttribute
 This attribute marks that an object should not be overwritten during serialization, but instead the value existing in the property should be used. More...
class  DeserializeOrderAttribute
 Can be used to control the order in which members are deserialized. More...
class  DeviceAddressAttribute
 Specifies the device address used to establish a connection. Use inheritance to define a custom device address. />. More...
class  DirectionalRfConnection
 A directional Connection that has an RF cable loss parameter. More...
class  DirectoryPathAttribute
 Identifies a string as a directory path. More...
class  DisplayAttribute
 Defines how a property, class, enum, or other item is presented to the user. Also configures the description and allows items to be grouped and ordered. More...
class  DotNetTypeDataSearcher
 Searches for .NET types. This is the default TypeData searcher. More...
class  Dut
 Base class for DUT drivers. More...
class  DutSettings
 Settings governing configured DUTs. These are usually configured by the user. More...
class  DynamicMember
 Dynamic Member More...
class  ElementFactoryAttribute
 Specifies that another member method can be used to create an element value for a given list property. More...
class  EmbedPropertiesAttribute
 This attribute is used to dynamically embed the properties of an object into another object. More...
class  Enabled
 A value that can be enabled or disabled. More...
class  EnabledIfAttribute
 Identifies settings, properties, or methods that should only be valid/enabled when another property or setting has a certain value. More...
class  EngineSettings
 Settings class containing user-configurable platform options. More...
class  EventTraceListener
 A class that listens to trace messages and raises an event when a message occurs. More...
class  ExceptionCustomStackTrace
 Used to rethrow, adding more exception info but without generating a lot of extra stack lines. More...
class  ExceptionExtensions
 Extension methods for Exception. More...
class  ExternalParameter
 Represent an external test plan parameters that can be defined when a test plan is loaded. More...
class  ExternalParameterAttribute
 Indicates that a property on a TestStep (a step setting) should be a External Parameter by default when added into Test Plan editor UI. More...
class  ExternalParameters
 External test plan parameters. More...
class  FactoryAttribute
 Specifies that another member method can be used to create a value for a given property. More...
class  FileDependencyAttribute
 Marking a property with the FileDependencyAttribute attribute indicates that the property specifies a file. Files specified by this property are included as dependencies during serialization. More...
class  FilePathAttribute
 Identifies a string as a file path. More...
class  FileTraceListener
 TraceListener to be used in the App.Config file of the executable to write trace/log data to a file. More...
class  FixedSettingsListAttribute
 Attribute that determines if the settings list should be fixed. More...
class  HelpLinkAttribute
 Defines a help link for an object. More...
interface  IAccessAnnotation
 Specifies the access to an annotation. More...
interface  IAnnotation
 Marker interface to indicate that a type represents annotation data for an object. More...
interface  IAnnotationStringer
 This is interface is used for generating something from a string. Currently it is used only for PluginTypeSelectorAttribute More...
interface  IAnnotator
 Annotators can be used to annotation objects with data for display. More...
interface  IArtifactListener
 Defines the interface for IArtifactListeners. Artifacts are generated by the test plan and may be any kind of file. The artifacts are published sequentially with the results. More...
interface  IAssignOutputMixin
 This type of mixin gives access to process an output just before it gets assigned. More...
interface  IAttachmentStream
 IResultStore that supports attachment streams. More...
interface  IAttributedObject
 A named object. More...
interface  IAvailableValuesAnnotation
 Defines a available values implementation. Implement this to extend the data annotation system with a new available values. More...
interface  IAvailableValuesAnnotationProxy
 Specifies how available values proxies are implemented. This class should rarely be implemented. Consider implementing just IAvailableValuesAnnotation instead. More...
interface  IAvailableValuesSelectedAnnotation
 Enhances the IAvailableValuesAnnotation with a 'SelectedValue'. Having this ensures that objects that has been transformed can get read back in the correct way. More...
interface  IBasicCollectionAnnotation
 Specifies how to implement basic collection annotations. More...
interface  ICollectionAnnotation
 Specifies that the annotation reflects some kind of collection. More...
interface  ICombinedNumberSequence
 A number of combined number sequences. More...
class  ICombinedNumberSequenceExtension
 Extensions for ICombinedNumberSequence. More...
interface  IComponentSettings
 Specifies the ComponentSettings class to be a OpenTAP plugin. More...
class  IconAnnotationAttribute
 Icon Annotation attribute. for attaching icon information to a setting. More...
class  IconNames
 Icon names defined here others might be defined by plugins. These names are used by IconAnnotationAttribute. More...
interface  IConstResourceProperty
 An immutable/constant object that is a property on a Resource. When deserializing references to objects of this type, TapSerializer makes sure that all references refer to the same unique instance on the specific instrument. More...
class  IConstResourcePropertyHelpers
 Helper and extension methods for IConstResourceProperty. More...
interface  ICopyStringValueAnnotation
 If the object value is based on copying values, some performance optimizations can be done, so these string value annotations can be marked with this interface. More...
interface  IData
 An object in a hierarchy with a name and some named properties. More...
interface  IDebugger
 Debugger plugin interface for attaching custom debuggers. More...
interface  IDeserializedCallback
 Enables callback from the OpenTAP deserializer after deserialization. More...
interface  IDeviceDiscovery
 Interface for defining a custom device address discovery system. Implement this along with a specialization of DeviceAddressAttribute. More...
interface  IDisplayAnnotation
 Specifies how a display is implemented and presented to user More...
interface  IDut
 Base interface for DUT drivers. More...
interface  IDynamicMemberData
 A dynamic member data is a member data that can be detached from the owner member. More...
interface  IDynamicMemberProvider
 Provides a list of dynamic member types. Use DynamicMember.DeclaringType to control which types the member applies to e.g ITestStep. More...
interface  IDynamicMembersProvider
 This interface speeds up accessing dynamic members as it avoids having to access a global table to store the information. More...
interface  IDynamicStep
 Interface to facilitate the dynamic generation of TestStep types when loading the TestPlan from XML. More...
interface  IEnabled
 Interface for types that can be enabled. More...
interface  IEnabledAnnotation
 Annotation for marking something as enabled or disabled. More...
interface  IEnabledResource
 Resources that can be enabled and disabled. Currently this is only supported for ResultListeners. More...
interface  IEnabledValueAnnotation
 Marks a setting that can be enabled/disabled by the user. UIs are expected to render a checkbox in front of the actual value. Settings of type Enabled<T> gets annotated with an annotation that implements this. More...
interface  IErrorAnnotation
 Defines how an error annotation works. Note: Multiple of IErrorAnnotation can be used in the same annotation. In this case the errors will be concatenated. More...
interface  IExecutionListener
 Interface to listen to when steps execute what. More...
interface  IExternalTestPlanParameterExport
 Custom handler for exporting external parameters from a TestPlan to a file. More...
interface  IExternalTestPlanParameterImport
 Custom handler for importing external parameters from a file. More...
interface  IFactoryAttribute
 Marks a factory attribute, for now this can be internal. More...
interface  IFileResultStore
 When implemented along with IResultStore, this interface allows files with a given extension to be opened using your ResultListener. It also can be used to allow the export of results to a file. More...
interface  IFixedSizeCollectionAnnotation
 Used to mark a collection as fixed-size. More...
interface  IForwardedAnnotations
 Can be used to forward a set of members from one annotation to another. More...
interface  IHideOnMultiSelectAnnotation
 Marker interface that indicates that an IAnnotation does not support multi-selecting. When multi-selecting, the UI should not show properties annotated with this. More...
interface  IIconAnnotation
 Icon annotation, for giving a name of an icon associated with a setting. This is optionally supported by GUIs. More...
interface  IInput
 Interface for TestStep input properties. More...
interface  IInputOutputRelations
 Accelerating structure for inputs / outputs owners. Note, it is recommended to implement this explicitly. More...
interface  IInputTypeRestriction
 Input type restriction for IInput. More...
interface  IInstrument
 Base interface for all instruments. More...
interface  IInteractiveIconAnnotation
 For interactive icons that should be advertised on annotation collections. More...
interface  IInvokable
 Similar to Action, but this can be implemented by other classes. More...
interface  ILockManager
 Implementing this interface will enable hooks before and after resources are opened and closed. More...
interface  IMemberAnnotation
 Marks that an annotation reflects a member of an object. More...
interface  IMemberData
 A member of an object type. More...
interface  IMemberMenuModel
 menu model for members More...
interface  IMembersAnnotation
 The annotation reflects multiple members on an object. More...
interface  IMenuModel
 Base class for things in a menu item. More...
interface  IMenuModelFactory
 Factory class for build menus. This can be used to extend member with additional menu annotations. More...
interface  IMenuModelState
 A MenuModel that can signal about it's current state (Enabled/Disabled). This is useful to dynamically disable the menu model. More...
interface  IMergedMethodAnnotation
 The merged method annotation marks a custom method annotation which overrides the standard behavior in the case where multiple values are merged. This can happen during multi select of a test step with a method. More...
interface  IMergedTableResultListener
 This interface adds support for optimized/merged result tables. This can provide a performance boost in situations where many rows of the same kinds of results are published. More...
interface  IMergedValueAnnotation
 A marker interface for object value annotations that comes from a merged source instead of a single-value source. More...
interface  IMethodAnnotation
 The annotation can be invoked to do some action. More...
interface  IMixin
 Mixins can be used with EmbedPropertiesAttribute to give extra functionality to a test step. More...
interface  IMixinBuilder
 A mixin builder defines how to create and apply the instance of a specific mixin. More...
interface  IMultiSelect
 The object can be used for multi select operations. Example: FlagAttribute enums can be multi-selected. More...
interface  IMultiSelectAnnotationProxy
 Specifies how multi selection annotation proxies are implemented. Not this should rarely need to be implemented More...
interface  INamedMembersAnnotation
 Like IMembersAnnotation, but a specific member can be fetched. More...
interface  INotifyActivity
 Notifies clients that the object is active. More...
class  Input
A generic type that specifies input properties for a TestStep. The user can link this property to properties on other TestSteps that are marked with the OutputAttribute When used in a TestStep, Input value should always be set in the constructor. More...
class  InputOutputRelation
 Relations between two object and a pair of their members. More...
class  InputPort
 An unidirectional port that is always an input. More...
class  Instrument
 Base class for all instruments. Also see

See also

. More...

class  InstrumentSettings
 Settings governing configured instruments. These are usually configured by the user.. More...
struct  Invokable
 Action(T) IInvokable. More...
interface  IObjectValueAnnotation
 Gets or sets the value of a thing. More...
interface  IOwnedAnnotation
 Owned annotations interacts directly with the source object. It is updated through the Read operation and changes are written with the Write operation. Specialized knowledge about the object is needed for implementation. More...
interface  IParameter
 A named parameter. More...
interface  IParameterizedMembersCache
 for reverse caching of parameters. (source/member => parameter).f More...
interface  IParameterMemberData
 An IMemberData that represents a parameter. The parameter controls the value of a set of parameterized members. More...
interface  IParameters
 A list of parameters, with a string indexer. More...
interface  IPicture
 Represents a picture resource More...
interface  IPictureAnnotation
 Marks that the annotated object is a picture. More...
interface  IReflectionAnnotation
 Reflects the type of the object value being annotated. More...
interface  IReflectionData
 Base info for reflection objects. More...
interface  IResource
 Base interface for resources. Specializations include Dut, Instrument and ResultListener. More...
interface  IResourceManager
 A resource manager implements this interface to be able to control how resources are opened and closed during a testplan execution. More...
interface  IResourcePreOpenMixin
 This mixin is activated just before a resource opens. More...
interface  IResourceReferences
 Used in ILockManager to represents a resource and its references More...
interface  IResultColumn
 Interface to store IResultTable column data. More...
interface  IResultListener
 Interface forming the basis for all ResultListeners. More...
interface  IResultSink
 Object used to indicate that a TestStep is interested in results from another TestStep. A public property of this type should exist on the interested TestStep. Methods defined in this interface are called on all instances found as properties on TestSteps in the TestPlan. More...
interface  IResultSource
 Interface that the TestStep can access through the Results property. More...
interface  IResultStore
 Interface to results storage plugins. More...
interface  IResultStoreNotification
 Interface to add notifications when the Results Viewer gets new data. More...
interface  IResultTable
 Contains data that has the same table name, column names, and result data types as a ResultTable. More...
interface  IResultTagging
 Interface to support result tagging in the OpenTAP Results Viewer. More...
interface  IScpiInstrument
 Represents a connection to talk to any SCPI-enabled instrument. More...
interface  IScpiIO
 Represents low-level IO primitives for a given SCPI instrument. More...
interface  IScpiIO2
 Represents low-level IO primitives for a given SCPI instrument. IScpiIO2 is the full interface needed to specify a VISA connection. More...
interface  ISettingReferenceIconAnnotation
 Specialization of IIconAnnotation that represents a reference to a setting on another TestStep. More...
interface  ISkippableInvokable
 Implements a check if an invocation can be skipped. This should only be implemented if it can be done very quickly. More...
interface  IStackedTypeDataProvider
 Hook into type reflection system. Provides type data for a given object or identifier. This variant is aware of the stack of other providers running after itself. More...
interface  IStartupInfo
 An IStartupInfo implementation logs some specific information about the current installation. More...
interface  IStringConvertProvider
 Plugin interface for string convert providers. More...
interface  IStringExampleValueAnnotation
 Makes it possible to get an example of a value from a property. More...
interface  IStringOverlayAnnotation
 Annotation added when a setting has a string overlay (Expression). More...
interface  IStringReadOnlyValueAnnotation
 Defines a read-only string value annotation implementation. More...
interface  IStringValueAnnotation
 Defines a string value annotation implementation. This can be implemented for any type which can be converted to/from a string value. Note: IStringReadOnlyValueAnnotation can be implemented in the read-only case. More...
interface  ISuggestedValuesAnnotation
 Defines a suggested values implementation. More...
interface  ISuggestedValuesAnnotationProxy
 Specifies how suggested value proxies are implemented. This class should rarely be implemented. Consider implementing just ISuggestedValuesAnnotation instead. More...
interface  ITapPlugin
 Base type for all OpenTAP plugins. More...
interface  ITapSerializerPlugin
 Species a OpenTAP Serializer plugin. More...
interface  ITapSerializerPluginDependencyMarker
 Allows a serializer plugin to specify if it is needed for deserialization. This can affect the package dependencies of test plans as the serializers used by the test plan are otherwise always dependencies of the test plan itself. More...
interface  ITestPlanExport
 Custom handler for exporting TestPlan data. Which implementation of ITestPlanExport is used is based on the file type (ITestPlanExport.Extension). More...
interface  ITestPlanExportCustomDialog
 Custom GUI handler for importing TestPlan data. More...
interface  ITestPlanImport
 Custom handler for importing TestPlan data. Which implementation of ITestPlanImport is used is based on the file type (ITestPlanExport.Extension). More...
interface  ITestPlanImportCustomDialog
 Custom GUI handler for importing TestPlan data. More...
interface  ITestPlanPreRunMixin
 This mixin is activated just before a step is executed. It allows modifying the test step run. More...
interface  ITestPlanRunMonitor
 Interface for use in pre/post test plan (for example, it can be used to lock a remote setup). Only supported on ComponentSettings types. More...
interface  ITestStep
 An interface for a TestStep. All TestSteps are instances of the ITestStep interface. More...
interface  ITestStepMenuModel
 Menu models for test step properties. More...
interface  ITestStepParent
 TestPlan or TestStep. Specifies that a class can be inserted into the test plan hierarchy. More...
interface  ITestStepPostRunMixin
 This mixin is activated just after a step has been executed. It allows modifying the test step run. More...
interface  ITestStepPreRunMixin
 This mixin is activated just before a step is executed. It allows modifying the test step run. More...
interface  ITypeData
 The type information of an object. More...
interface  ITypeDataProvider
 Hook into type reflection system. Provides type data for a given object or identifier. More...
interface  ITypeDataSearcher
 Searches for "types" and returns them as ITypeData objects. The OpenTAP type system calls all implementations of this. More...
interface  ITypeDataSearcherCacheInvalidated
 A type data searcher with a cache invalidation event. This can be useful for notifying the rest of the TypeData system that new plugins has been found in this cache. More...
interface  ITypeDataSource
 Specifies that an object is the source of types. More...
interface  ITypeDataSourceProvider
 Used for a ITypeDataSearcher to identify a type as something that comes from it. More...
interface  ITypeMenuModel
 menu model for types More...
interface  ITypeMenuModelFactory
 Factory class for build menus. This can be used to extend a type with additional menu annotations. More...
interface  IUserInputInterface
 Defines a way for plugins to request input from the user. More...
interface  IUserInterface
 Defines a way for plugins to notify the user that a property has changed. More...
interface  IValidatingObject
 Provides the functionality to validate an element when the property changes. More...
interface  IValueDescriptionAnnotation
 Interface for providing annotations with a way of explaining the value. More...
interface  IVisa
 Interface implemented by VISA libraries More...
interface  IVisaProvider
 A mechanism for retrieving IVisa implementations. More...
class  LayoutAttribute
 LayoutAttribute can be used to specify the wanted layout for user interfaces. More...
class  Limit
 A single limit from a limit set. More...
class  LimitCondition
 A condition for a specific limit that must be satisfied for the limit to apply. More...
class  LimitSet
 A structure containing limit set data. More...
class  Log
 This class extends System.Diagnostics.Log to provide shorthand methods for logging/tracing messages at different levels. More...
class  LogExtension
 Helper class for writing warning messages about XML nodes. More...
class  LoginAction
 Sets the authentication token for use with a given domain. More...
class  LogResultListener
 Listens to events in the log and outputs them to a file. Can be configured with filters on the log verbosity level. FilePath supports replacement of date and verdict. More...
class  MacOSFileLock
 Note that this implementation is not thread-safe, unlike the other implementations More...
class  MacroExpansion
 Converts a macro to its expanded string format. More...
class  MacroString
 a string that can be expanded with macros. More...
class  MemberData
 Represents the members of C#/dotnet types. More...
class  MenuAnnotation
 This annotation represents a context menu for a given setting. Multiple of these might be present in a single AnnotationCollection. More...
class  MetaDataAttribute
 Indicates that a property contains metadata which may be saved into results. More...
class  MixinBuilderAttribute
 This attribute marks a mixin builder with the types that it supports. More...
class  MixinFactory
 Helper class for producing mixin builders. More...
class  MixinMemberData
 Mixin member data More...
class  MultiObjectAnnotator
 Used for wrapping multi selections of objects. More...
class  NonMetaDataAttribute
 Specifies that a property is does not constitute meta data for test plan runs. More...
class  NullTypeData
 A type data representing null values. More...
class  NumberFormatter
 Parser / back parser for numbers and sequences of numbers. More...
class  NumberUnitSplitter
 A number unit splitter can split a text into numbers and units using whitespaces and changes from digits to characters as splitting points. More...
class  ObjectCloner
 Class for generic cloning of values. This is done in multiple ways. More...
class  OutputAttribute
Specifies that a TestStep property is an output parameter. This property is expected to be set by TestStep.Run
Also specifies a property that can be selected as an Input<T> to other TestSteps. More...
class  OutputPort
 An unidirectional port that is always an output. More...
class  ParameterCollection
 Read-only collection of parameters where parameters can be looked up by name. More...
class  ParameterExtensions
 Extensions for parameter operations. More...
class  ParameterizedMembersCache
 For accessing IParameterizedMembersCaches. More...
class  ParameterMemberData
 A member that represents a parameter. The parameter controls the value of a set of parameterized members. Parameterized members can be added/removed using IMemberData.Parameterize() and IMemberData.Unparameterize() More...
class  Picture
 Represents a picture resource More...
class  PictureDataExtensions
 Provide IPicture data from IPictureDataProvider implementations. More...
class  PluginAssemblyAttribute
 Marks an assembly as one containing OpenTAP plugins. More...
class  PluginManager
 Static class that searches for and loads OpenTAP plugins. More...
class  PluginOrderAttribute
 Determines the order of plugin activation related to other plugins. More...
class  PluginsChangedEventArgs
 This event args expresses when plugins inside PluginManager has changed. This is generally used for cache invalidation purposes. More...
class  PluginSearcher
 Searches assemblies for classes implementing ITapPlugin. More...
class  PluginTypeSelectorAttribute
 Indicates that a property can select an instance of a plugin type deriving from the type of the property. More...
class  Port
 Object representing a port on an instrument or DUT. Ports are connected with Connection objects. More...
class  PosixFileLock
 Locks a file using flock on linux. This essentially works as a named mutex. More...
class  ProxyAnnotation
 Proxy annotation for wrapping simpler annotation types. For example IAvailableValuesAnnotation is wrapped in a IAvailableValuesAnnotationProxy. More...
class  ReadOnlyMemberAnnotation
 Annotates that a member is read only. More...
class  ReflectionDataExtensions
 Helpers for work with ITypeInfo objects. More...
class  Resource
 Base class for resources. Specializations include Dut, Instrument and ResultListener. More...
class  ResourceOpenAttribute
 Indicates how a IResource property should be handled when being opened or closed. By default the resources will be opened in sequence, so any referenced resources are open before Open() and until after Close(). More...
class  ResourcePreOpenEventArgs
 Event args for IResourcePreOpenMixin mixin. More...
class  ResourceReference
 Represents a reference to a resource. A reference is defined as something in the TestPlan that references a Resource, and thus causes it to get opened. Used by IResourceReferences More...
class  ResultAttribute
 Specifies that a property of a step is also a result. More...
class  ResultColumn
 A class to store a column of data for a ResultTable. More...
class  ResultListener
 Abstract class forming the basis for all ResultListeners. More...
class  ResultListenerIgnoreAttribute
 Instructs the ResultListener not to save the public property value as metadata for TestStep results. More...
class  ResultObjectTypes
 Result object types existing in the OpenTAP name space. More...
class  ResultParameter
 Represents a result parameter. More...
class  ResultParameters
 A collection of parameters related to the results. More...
class  ResultSettings
 A class that collects and manages the different ResultListener objects. More...
class  ResultSource
 Temporarily holds results from a TestStep, before they are propagated to the ResultListener by the TestPlan. See TestStep.Results More...
class  ResultTable
 A result table containing rows of results with matching names, column name, and types. More...
class  RfConnection
 A Connection that has an RF cable loss parameter. More...
class  ScalarResultSink
 ResultSink that will provide the first result from a given result column published by a given TestStep. When SourceTestStep is inside a loop step, only results from the last iteration of SourceTestStep is accessible. More...
class  Scpi
 Utility class for SCPI communication. More...
class  ScpiAttribute
 Identifies that a property should be converted to a SCPI string. More...
class  ScpiInstrument
 Implements a connection to talk to any SCPI-enabled instrument. More...
class  ScpiIO
 Implements Visa SCPI IO. More...
class  SearchChildrenOf
 Matches all children of the specified parents. More...
class  SearchCombinator
 A binary operation between two other operations. More...
class  SearchCondition
 The conditions for what to search for. More...
class  SearchLastRun
 Matches the last test plan run. More...
class  SearchOperand
 The basic search operand from which the other search operands are derived. More...
class  SearchParameterValue
 Comparison between a named parameter and a value. More...
class  SearchRange
 Comparison between a named parameter and a value. More...
class  SemanticVersion
 Version object for OpenTAP versions. Adheres to Semantic Version 2.0 formatting and behavior, see Supported formats: Major.Minor.Patch Major.Minor.Patch-PreRelease Major.Minor.Patch+BuildMetadata. Major.Minor.Patch-PreRelease+BuildMetadata. More...
class  Session
 A session represents a collection of data associated with running and configuring test plans: More...
class  SessionLocal
 Used to hold a value that is specific to a session. More...
class  SessionLogs
 SessionLogs are logs of all events that occur during startup/shutdown of a OpenTAP session and of all the session's TestPlan runs. A new session log is created at the start of each session, which starts when a process is launched and ends when it closes. Only 10 session logs are allowed to exist, with the oldest deleted as new logs are created. By comparison, a result log typically shows only the log activity for a single run of a TestPlan. More...
class  SettingsGroupAttribute
 ComponentSettings with this attribute belong to a group with a specified name. They can be marked as profile groups, enabling selectable profiles for settings in that group. More...
struct  ShortTimeSpan
 Takes care of printing and parsing time spans like '1 s' or '15.3 ms'. Supports seconds, milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds. More...
class  StepSelectorAttribute
 Identifies the TestSteps that can be selected for a TestStep property. More...
class  StringConvertProvider
 Helper methods for converting to/from strings. More...
class  SubmitAttribute
 Specifies that a property finalizes input. More...
class  SuggestedValuesAttribute
 Marks that a property can be selected from a list in the UI. Points to another property that contains the list of suggested values. More...
class  SwitchMatrixPath
 Represents a specific path through a switch matrix. More...
class  SwitchMatrixPathCollection
 Collecion of SwitchMatrixPaths that belong to a switch matrix. This is a lazy collection that is only populated with actual SwitchMatrixPath when each element is accessed or the More...
class  SwitchPosition
 Represents a specific setting/mode/position of a switch. More...
class  TapPluginExtensions
 Extension class for Type. More...
class  TapSerializer
 Serializing/deserializing OpenTAP objects. This class mostly just orchestrates a number of serializer plugins. MacroString More...
class  TapSerializerPlugin
 Base class for OpenTAP Serializer plugins. Implement this in a public class to extend the TapSerializer with additional functionality. More...
class  TapThread
 Represents a item of work in the ThreadManager. Also allows access to the Parent TapThread (the thread that initially calledTapThread.Start(Action, string)) More...
class  TeeStream
 TeeStream allows many reader-streams to be created from one. If one reader is slower than the others, it will block until the slowest catches up. More...
class  TestPlan
 Class containing a test plan. More...
class  TestPlanPreRunEventArgs
 Event args for ITestStepPreRun mixin. More...
class  TestPlanRun
 Object that holds the state of a specific TestPlan run. Also internally manages resources and threads relating to the TestStepRun. Note: ResourceManager manages opening and closing a Resource. More...
class  TestPlanRunSummaryListener
 Class for generating the summary for a test plan. More...
class  TestRun
 Common base class for TestStepRun and TestPlanRun. More...
class  TestStep
 All TestSteps that are instances of the TestStep abstract class should override the TestStep.Run method. Additionally, the TestStep.PrePlanRun and TestStep.PostPlanRun methods can be overridden. More...
class  TestStepExtensions
 An extension class for the ITestStep interface. More...
class  TestStepList
 This class holds a list of TestSteps and is used for the Children property of TestStepBase. It is responsible for making sure that all TestSteps added to the list are supported/allowed as children of the TestStep in the TestStepList.Parent field. More...
class  TestStepPostRunEventArgs
 Event args for ITestStepPostRun mixin. More...
class  TestStepPreRunEventArgs
 Event args for ITestStepPreRun mixin. More...
class  TestStepRun
 Test step Run parameters. Contains information about a test step run. Unique for each time a test plan is run. If the same step is run multiple times during the same TestStep run, multiple instances of this object will be created. More...
class  TextWriterTraceListener
 Simple TraceListener which outputs data to a TextWriter. More...
class  ThreadHierarchyLocal
 Has a separate value for each hierarchy of Threads that it is set on. If a thread sets this to a value, that value will be visible only to that thread and its child threads (as started using TapThread.Start(Action, string)) More...
class  TimeSpanFormatAttribute
 Attribute for giving directives to the TimeSpanControl provider, that shows the control provider in the GUI. More...
class  TimeSpanFormatter
 Contains helper functions to format a time span into a human readable string. More...
class  TimeSpanParser
 A time span parser can parse a text input (which would typically be a user input) for timespan information like "1 hour 2 minutes" or "1 week 250ms" and sum them all up into a TimeSpan. Currently only English units are supported. More...
class  TraceBar
 Utility class to help print an "ASCII-art" graph with limits in the log files and windows. More...
class  TraceListener
 Base class for various listeners. More...
class  TraceSource
 Encapsulates the features of the OpenTAP logging infrastructure. More...
class  TypeData
 Representation of a C#/dotnet type including its inheritance hierarchy. Part of the object model used in the PluginManager More...
class  TypeDataCacheInvalidatedEventArgs
 Event occuring when the TypeData cache has been invalidated. More...
class  TypeDataProviderStack
 Represents a stack of ITypeDataProvider/IStackedTypeDataProvider that is used to get TypeData for a given type. The providers on this stack are called in order until a provider returuns a More...
class  UnitAttribute
 Identifies that units should be assigned to a property. More...
class  UnmergableAttribute
 Marks a property on a test step that cannot be merged with another property from another step.. More...
class  UnparameterizableAttribute
 Marks on a property that it cannot be parameterized. More...
class  UnsweepableAttribute
 Marks a property on a test step that should be fixed during test plan execution. This means it should be excluded from e.g. sweep loops. More...
class  UserInput
 Class for getting user input without using GUI. More...
class  Utils2
 Named Utils2 to avoid clashing with Utils from the Shared project. More...
class  ValidatingObject
 Runtime property value error-checking system. Can be used to validate an object before run or to display messages through a GUI. More...
class  ValidationRule
 Validates settings at runtime. A validation rule is attached to an object of type ValidatingObject and is used to validate the property value of that object. Also see ValidatingObject.Rules More...
class  ValidationRuleCollection
 Collection of validation rules. Simplifies adding new rules by abstracting the use of ValidationRule objects. More...
class  ViaPoint
 Base class representing a point through which a connection passes. There is a list of these in Connection.Via. These usually represent a state that a connection switch element/instrument can be in. Implementations include SwitchPosition and SwitchMatrixPath More...
class  VisaAddressAttribute
 Identifies a string as a VISA address and finds a list of discovered VISA addresses. More...
class  VisaDeviceDiscovery
Implements device address discovery for VISA Keysight instruments and searches for device aliases. More...
class  WorkQueue
 Work Queue used for result processing in sequence but asynchronously. It uses the ThreadManager to automatically clean up threads that have been idle for a while. When the WorkQueue is disposed, the used thread is immediately returned to the ThreadManager. More...
class  XmlError
 Contains detailed information about what went wrong while loading or saving information to an XML file. More...
class  XmlMessage
 Contains detailed information about something that occured while loading or saving information to an XML file. More...


enum  BreakCondition {
  Inherit = 1 , BreakOnError = 2 , BreakOnFail = 4 , BreakOnInconclusive = 8 ,
  BreakOnPass = 16
 Test step break conditions. Can be used to define when a test step should issue a break due to it's own verdict. More...
enum  StepState {
  Idle , PrePlanRun , Running , Deferred ,
 An enum containing the execution states of a step. More...
enum  ComparisonOperator {
  Equal , NotEqual , Less , LessEqual ,
  Greater , GreaterEqual , Like , Exists
 The operation for SearchParameterValue. More...
enum  LogicalOperator { And , Or }
 Operation for SearchCombinator. More...
enum  ScpiIOResult {
  Success , Success_MaxCount , Success_TermChar , Error_General ,
  Error_ResourceLocked , Error_Timeout , Error_ConnectionLost , Error_ResourceNotFound
 Error codes from the IScpiIO methods More...
enum  ScpiLockType { Exclusive , Shared }
 Types of VISA locks. More...
enum  TestStepSearch { All , EnabledOnly , NotEnabledOnly }
 Search pattern to use while getting child steps. More...
enum  LogEventType { Error = 10 , Warning = 20 , Information = 30 , Debug = 40 }
 Identifies the type of event that is logged. More...
enum  OutputAvailability { BeforeRun , AfterRun , AfterDefer }
 Used to specify when an output value is available. More...
enum  ResourceOpenBehavior { Before , InParallel , Ignore }
 Indicates how a IResource property should be handled when being opened or closed. More...
enum  TestPlanExecutionStage {
  Open , Execute , PrePlanRun , Run ,
 This indicates what stage a testplan execution is at. More...
enum  SessionOptions { None = 0 , OverlayComponentSettings = 1 , RedirectLogging = 2 }
 Options used to define the behavior of a OpenTap.Session More...
enum  TapThreadStatus { Queued , Running , Completed , HierarchyCompleted }
 Status of a TapThread. More...
enum  FormatVerbosities { SuperBrief , Brief , Normal , Verbose }
 Indicates to what extend a formatter should be verbose. More...
enum  LayoutMode { Normal = 1 , FullRow = 2 , FloatBottom = 4 , WrapText = 8 }
 The supported layout modes. More...
enum  Verdict : int {
  NotSet = 0 , Pass = 10 , Inconclusive = 20 , Fail = 30 ,
  Aborted = 40 , Error = 50
 Enumeration containing the verdict types used for TestRun.Verdict and TestRun.Verdict properties. More...


delegate void ResultUpdateEvent (object Sender)
 Delegate that triggers notification updates when results are added to the store.
delegate void ScpiIOSrqDelegate (IScpiIO2 sender)
 SCPI IO SRQ Event Delegate More...
delegate bool IsValidDelegateDefinition ()
 Delegate for checking validation rule. More...
delegate string CustomErrorDelegateDefinition ()
 Delegate for returning a custom error message from a validation rule. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BreakCondition

Test step break conditions. Can be used to define when a test step should issue a break due to it's own verdict.


Inherit behavior from parent or engine settings.


If a step completes with verdict 'Error', stop execution of any subsequent steps at this level, and return control to the parent step.


If a step completes with verdict 'Fail', stop execution of any subsequent steps at this level, and return control to the parent step.


If a step completes with verdict 'Inconclusive', stop execution of any subsequent steps at this level, and return control to the parent step.


If a step completes with verdict 'Pass', stop execution of any subsequent steps at this level, and return control to the parent step.

◆ ComparisonOperator

The operation for SearchParameterValue.


Two specified values must be the same.


Two specified values must be different.


Parameter must be less than.


Parameter must be less than or equal.


Parameter must be greater than.


Parameter must be greater than or equal.


Parameter must be similar to the value.

This is guaranteed to be true if the two values are equal, but is not otherwise guaranteed to work in any specific way.


Value must exist as a parameter name or value.

◆ FormatVerbosities

Indicates to what extend a formatter should be verbose.


For the unit minutes, a formatter would just return ":".


For the unit seconds, a formatter would return "s".


For the unit seconds, a formatter would return "sec".


For the unit seconds, a formatter would return "second".

◆ LayoutMode

The supported layout modes.


The default mode.


The user input fills the whole row.


The user input floats to the bottom.

summary> Whether text wrapping should be enabled.

◆ LogEventType

Identifies the type of event that is logged.


Recoverable error.


Noncritical problem.


Informational message.


Debugging trace.

◆ LogicalOperator

Operation for SearchCombinator.


Specifies that both conditions must be satisfied.


Specifies that at least one of the two conditions must be satisfied.

◆ OutputAvailability

Used to specify when an output value is available.


The output value is available before the step has run. This can also be interpreted as always available.


After this step is completed. This may occur before or after AfterChildDefer.


After defer of this step. This is the default for Outputs. This occurs after 'AfterChildDefer' and 'AfterRun'.

◆ ResourceOpenBehavior

Indicates how a IResource property should be handled when being opened or closed.


The resources pointed to by this property will be opened in sequence, so any referenced resources are open before Open() and until after Close().

This is the default behavior


Indicates that a resource property on a resource can be opened in parallel with the resource itself.


Do not try to open the resource referenced by this property.

◆ ScpiIOResult

Error codes from the IScpiIO methods


Indicates successful completion.


Indicates successful completion because the requested amount of bytes were read/written.


Indicates successful completion because a terminating character was found.


General unspecified error.


The call failed due to another client having a lock on the instrument.


Indicates that the call timed out.


Indicates that the connection to the instrument was lost.


The resource could not be found.

◆ ScpiLockType

Types of VISA locks.


Indicates that the client should get an exclusive lock.


Indicates that a client should get a shared lock.

◆ SessionOptions

Options used to define the behavior of a OpenTap.Session


No special behavior is applied. Starting a session like this, is the same as just starting a TapThread.


Component settings are cloned for the sake of this session. Instrument, DUT etc instances are cloned. When this is used, test plans should be reloaded in the new context. This causes resources to be serialized.


Log messages written in Sessions that redirect logging only go to LogListeners that are added in that session.

◆ StepState

An enum containing the execution states of a step.


The step is not running.


The step is executing its PrePlanRun code.


The step is executing its Run code.


The step is executing deferred actions after Run.


The step is executing its PostPlanRun code.

◆ TapThreadStatus

Status of a TapThread.


Work has been queued, but not started yet.


Work is currently being processed.


Work has completed.


This and all child threads have completed.

◆ TestPlanExecutionStage

This indicates what stage a testplan execution is at.


Indicates that a testplan is being opened.


Indicates that a testplan is starting to execute.

Implies that the testplan already is open.


Indicates that a teststep is about to run it's PrePlanRun.


Indicates that a teststep is about to be run.


Indicates that a teststep is about to run it's PostPlanRun.

◆ TestStepSearch

Search pattern to use while getting child steps.


All steps are wanted.


Only enabled steps are wanted.


Only disabled steps are wanted.

◆ Verdict

enum OpenTap.Verdict : int

Enumeration containing the verdict types used for TestRun.Verdict and TestRun.Verdict properties.


No verdict has been set. This is the default value.


Test passed.


Test had an inconclusive result.


Test failed.


Test was aborted.


Test failed due to an exception or another procedural error. Such as no instrument/DUT connection.

Function Documentation

◆ CustomErrorDelegateDefinition()

delegate string OpenTap.CustomErrorDelegateDefinition ( )

Delegate for returning a custom error message from a validation rule.


◆ IsValidDelegateDefinition()

delegate bool OpenTap.IsValidDelegateDefinition ( )

Delegate for checking validation rule.

True if valid, false if not.

◆ ScpiIOSrqDelegate()

delegate void OpenTap.ScpiIOSrqDelegate ( IScpiIO2  sender)

SCPI IO SRQ Event Delegate


OpenTAP 9.28 API built Mon Mar 24 2025 08:45:20