API Reference
Runner APIs
The {base}
is in the form of: OpenTap.Runner.{RunnerId}.Request
Subject | Request Type | Response Type | Available since |
{base}.GetImages | NoInput | List of Image | v1.0 |
{base}.GetImage | String | Image | v1.0 |
{base}.ResolveImage | List of Image | Image | v1.0 |
{base}.ResolveImageDryRun | List of Image | Image | v1.0 |
{base}.ShutdownSession | Guid | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.StartSession | NoInput | Session | v1.0 |
{base}.StartImageSession | Image | Session | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSessionManagerImage | NoInput | Image | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSessions | NoInput | List of Session | v1.0 |
{base}.SetDefaultSettings | RepositoryPackageReference | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.GetDefaultSettings | NoInput | RepositoryPackageReference | v1.0 |
{base}.GetDefaultImage | NoInput | Image | v1.5 |
{base}.SetDefaultImage | Image | Image | v1.5 |
{base}.AddTestPlan | RepositoryPackageReference | NoResponse | v1.7 |
{base}.SetTestPlans | List of RepositoryPackageReference | NoResponse | v1.7 |
{base}.GetTestPlans | NoInput | List of RepositoryPackageReference | v1.7 |
{base}.StartDefaultSession | RepositoryPackageReference | Session | v1.6 |
{base}.UpdateRunner | RunnerUpdateRequest | NoResponse | v1.4 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsOverview | NoInput | List of ComponentSettingsIdentifier | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettings | SetComponentSettingsRequest | ComponentSettingsBase | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettings | GetComponentSettingsRequest | ComponentSettingsBase | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsListItem | GetComponentSettingsListItemRequest | ComponentSettingsListItem | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettingsListItem | SetComponentSettingsListItemRequest | ComponentSettingsListItem | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingDataGrid | GetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettingDataGrid | SetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.AddComponentSettingDataGridItemType | AddComponentSettingDataGridItemTypeRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.AddComponentSettingDataGridItem | GetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingDataGridTypes | GetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | List of ListItemType | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettingsProfiles | List of ProfileGroup | List of ProfileGroup | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsProfiles | NoInput | List of ProfileGroup | v1.0 |
{base}.UploadComponentSettings | UploadFileRequest | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.DownloadComponentSettings | DownloadTapSettingsRequest | Byte[] | v1.0 |
{base}.LoadComponentSettingsFromRepository | RepositoryPackageReference | List of ErrorResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.SaveComponentSettingsToRepository | RepositorySettingsPackageDefinition | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsListAvailableTypes | GetComponentSettingsRequest | List of ListItemType | v1.0 |
{base}.AddComponentSettingsListItem | AddComponentSettingsListItemRequest | ComponentSettingsBase | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSettingsPackageFiles | NoInput | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSettingsTypes | NoInput | List of String | v1.0 |
Session APIs
The {base}
is in the form of: OpenTap.Runner.{RunnerId}.Session.{SessionId}.Request
Subject | Request Type | Response Type | Available since |
{base}.GetStatus | NoInput | RunStatus | v1.0 |
{base}.GetTestPlanXML | NoInput | String | v1.0 |
{base}.SetTestPlanXML | String | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.SetTestPlanName | String | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.LoadTestPlanFromRepository | RepositoryPackageReference | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.SaveTestPlanToRepository | RepositoryPackageDefinition | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.ResourcesOpen | NoInput | TestPlan | v1.0 |
{base}.ResourcesClose | NoInput | TestPlan | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSettings | Guid | Settings | v1.0 |
{base}.SetSettings | SetSettingsRequest | Settings | v1.0 |
{base}.GetTestPlan | String[] | TestPlan | v1.0 |
{base}.SetTestPlan | TestPlan | TestPlan | v1.0 |
{base}.GetValidationErrors | NoInput | TestPlanValidationErrors | v1.0 |
{base}.CommonStepSettings | CommonSettings | CommonSettings | v1.0 |
{base}.CommonStepSettingsContextMenu | CommonStepSettingsContext | CommonContext | v1.0 |
{base}.GetUserInputs | NoInput | List of Guid | v1.0 |
{base}.GetUserInput | Guid | Interaction | v1.0 |
{base}.SetUserInput | Interaction | Interaction | v1.0 |
{base}.GetContextMenu | PropertyReferenceRequest | List of Setting | v1.0 |
{base}.SetContextMenu | SetContextMenuRequest | List of Setting | v1.0 |
{base}.GetDataGrid | PropertyReferenceRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.SetDataGrid | SetDataGridRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.AddDataGridItemType | AddDataGridItemTypeRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.AddDataGridItem | PropertyReferenceRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.GetDataGridTypes | PropertyReferenceRequest | List of ListItemType | v1.0 |
{base}.GetStepTypes | NoInput | List of TestStepType | v1.0 |
{base}.RunTestPlan | List of Parameter | RunStatus | v1.0 |
{base}.SetPauseNext | NoInput | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.GetBreakpoints | NoInput | BreakPoints | v1.0 |
{base}.SetBreakpoints | BreakPoints | BreakPoints | v1.0 |
{base}.SetJumpToStep | Guid | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.AbortTestPlan | NoInput | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSessionLogs | GetSessionLogsRequest | LogList | v1.0 |
{base}.SessionLogSearch | GetSessionSearchRequest | List of Int32 | v1.0 |
{base}.SessionLogSources | Guid | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.SessionLogCounts | Guid | List of Int32 | v1.0 |
{base}.LogLevels | NoInput | List of Int32 | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsOverview | NoInput | List of ComponentSettingsIdentifier | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettings | SetComponentSettingsRequest | ComponentSettingsBase | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettings | GetComponentSettingsRequest | ComponentSettingsBase | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsListItem | GetComponentSettingsListItemRequest | ComponentSettingsListItem | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettingsListItem | SetComponentSettingsListItemRequest | ComponentSettingsListItem | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingDataGrid | GetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettingDataGrid | SetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.AddComponentSettingDataGridItemType | AddComponentSettingDataGridItemTypeRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.AddComponentSettingDataGridItem | GetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | DataGridControl | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingDataGridTypes | GetComponentSettingDataGridRequest | List of ListItemType | v1.0 |
{base}.SetComponentSettingsProfiles | List of ProfileGroup | List of ProfileGroup | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsProfiles | NoInput | List of ProfileGroup | v1.0 |
{base}.UploadComponentSettings | UploadFileRequest | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.DownloadComponentSettings | DownloadTapSettingsRequest | Byte[] | v1.0 |
{base}.LoadComponentSettingsFromRepository | RepositoryPackageReference | List of ErrorResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.SaveComponentSettingsToRepository | RepositorySettingsPackageDefinition | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.GetComponentSettingsListAvailableTypes | GetComponentSettingsRequest | List of ListItemType | v1.0 |
{base}.AddComponentSettingsListItem | AddComponentSettingsListItemRequest | ComponentSettingsBase | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSettingsPackageFiles | NoInput | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.GetSettingsTypes | NoInput | List of String | v1.0 |
{base}.Shutdown | NoInput | NoResponse | v1.0 |
{base}.GetImage | NoInput | Image | v1.0 |
{base}.SetWatchDog | WatchDog | WatchDog | v1.0 |
{base}.GetWatchDog | NoInput | WatchDog | v1.0 |
{base}.SessionDetails | SessionDetailsRequest | SessionDetailsResponse | v1.3 |
Empty object
For example, the Session
endpoint to abort a test plan takes a NoInput which is an empty json object {}
. We can demonstrate this using the NATS CLI tool:
nats req OpenTap.Session.a8a9baa6-d3b0-446d-a3e2-07bbf9310a71.Request.AbortTestPlan "{}"
Property | Type |
Name | String |
Packages | List of PackageSpecifier |
Repositories | List of String |
Id | String |
Empty object
For example, the Session
endpoint to abort a test plan returns NoResponse which is an empty json object {}
. We can demonstrate this using the NATS CLI tool:
nats req OpenTap.Session.a8a9baa6-d3b0-446d-a3e2-07bbf9310a71.Request.AbortTestPlan "{}"
returns {}
Property | Type |
Subject | String |
Id | Guid |
ImageId | String |
ExecutionState | ExecutionState |
TestPlanRunId | String |
StartedBy | String |
TestPlanName | String |
Property | Type |
UpdateTo | String |
Property | Type |
ReturnedSettings | ComponentSettingsBase |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
Name | String |
GroupName | String |
Property | Type |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
Index | Int32 |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
Settings | Settings |
Name | String |
EnabledResource | Nullable`1 |
VisualStatus | VisualStatus |
ValueType | String |
UnitAttribute | UnitAttribute |
Display | DisplayAttribute |
MetaData | MetaData |
ExternalParameter | ExternalParameter |
Property | Type |
Item | ComponentSettingsListItem |
Index | Int32 |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
PropertyName | String |
Index | Int32 |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
Items | List of List`1 |
FixedSize | Boolean |
Errors | List of String |
Layout | Layout |
ColumnDisplayName | ColumnDisplayName |
ValueDescription | String |
PropertyName | String |
Icons | List of Icon |
Submit | Boolean |
VisualStatus | VisualStatus |
ValueType | String |
UnitAttribute | UnitAttribute |
Display | DisplayAttribute |
MetaData | MetaData |
ExternalParameter | ExternalParameter |
Property | Type |
DataGridControl | DataGridControl |
PropertyName | String |
Index | Int32 |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
TypeName | String |
PropertyName | String |
Index | Int32 |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
File | Byte[] |
FileName | String |
Property | Type |
GroupName | String |
Property | Type |
Name | String |
Version | String |
Repository | String |
Path | String |
Property | Type |
Tags | List of String |
Name | String |
Version | String |
Repository | String |
Path | String |
Property | Type |
TypeName | String |
GroupName | String |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
Name | String |
Version | String |
Architecture | String |
OS | String |
Property | Type |
Capacity | Int32 |
Count | Int32 |
Item | Setting |
Property | Type |
IsReadOnly | Boolean |
IsVisible | Boolean |
IsEnabled | Boolean |
Property | Type |
Unit | String |
PreScaling | Double |
StringFormat | String |
UseRanges | Boolean |
UseEngineeringPrefix | Boolean |
Property | Type |
Description | String |
Group | List of String |
Name | String |
Order | Double |
Collapsed | Boolean |
Property | Type |
Name | String |
MacroName | String |
Group | String |
Frozen | Boolean |
Property | Type |
Name | String |
Property | Type |
Mode | LayoutMode |
RowHeight | Int32 |
MaxRowHeight | Int32 |
Property | Type |
ColumnName | String |
Order | Double |
IsReadOnly | Boolean |
Property | Type |
IconName | String |
Invoke | Nullable`1 |
StepReference | Nullable`1 |
PropertyReference | String |
Property | Type |
Errors | List of String |
Layout | Layout |
ColumnDisplayName | ColumnDisplayName |
ValueDescription | String |
PropertyName | String |
Icons | List of Icon |
Submit | Boolean |
VisualStatus | VisualStatus |
ValueType | String |
UnitAttribute | UnitAttribute |
Display | DisplayAttribute |
MetaData | MetaData |
ExternalParameter | ExternalParameter |
Property | Type |
SessionId | Guid |
Verdict | Verdict |
TestPlanRunId | Nullable`1 |
FailedToStart | Boolean |
ExecutionState | ExecutionState |
ExecutingSteps | List of Guid |
Property | Type |
Tags | List of String |
Name | String |
Version | String |
Repository | String |
Path | String |
Property | Type |
ChildTestSteps | List of TestStep |
Settings | Settings |
IsOpen | Boolean |
PropertiesToInclude | List of String |
Id | Guid |
Property | Type |
ContextId | Guid |
Settings | Settings |
Property | Type |
Capacity | Int32 |
Count | Int32 |
Item | TestStepValidationError |
Property | Type |
Step | TestStep |
StepIds | List of Guid |
Property | Type |
CommonContext | CommonContext |
PropertyName | String |
Property | Type |
ContextItems | List of Setting |
StepIds | List of Guid |
Property | Type |
Timeout | String |
Title | String |
Modal | Boolean |
Settings | Settings |
Id | Guid |
Property | Type |
ContextId | Guid |
PropertyName | String |
Property | Type |
ContextId | Guid |
PropertyName | String |
ContextMenu | List of Setting |
Property | Type |
ContextId | Guid |
PropertyName | String |
DataGridControl | DataGridControl |
Property | Type |
ContextId | Guid |
PropertyName | String |
TypeName | String |
Property | Type |
TestSteps | List of Guid |
Property | Type |
Id | Guid |
Levels | List of Int32 |
ExcludedSources | List of String |
FilterText | String |
Offset | Int32 |
Limit | Int32 |
Property | Type |
Logs | List of LogEntry |
Offset | Int32 |
FilteredCount | Int32 |
TotalCount | List of Int32 |
Property | Type |
Id | Guid |
Levels | List of Int32 |
ExcludedSources | List of String |
FilterText | String |
SearchText | String |
Property | Type |
DefaultTerminationTimeout | Int32 |
InactiveSeconds | Double |
TerminationTimeout | Int32 |
Property | Type |
Id | Guid |
ChildTestSteps | List of TestStep |
IsChildTestStepsReadOnly | Boolean |
IsReadOnly | Boolean |
Settings | Settings |
TypeName | String |
TypeDisplay | DisplayAttribute |
Name | String |
ExpandedName | String |
Property | Type |
StepId | String |
ValidationErrors | List of ValidationError |
Property | Type |
Source | String |
Timestamp | Int64 |
Message | String |
Level | Int32 |
DurationNS | Int64 |
Property | Type |
PropertyName | String |
Error | String |
Property | Type |
OperatorId | String |
FixedAccessToken | String |
SettingsFileLocation | String |
Empty object