CLI Reference

tap.exe runner start

Starts the Runner using the config located at <OpenTapInstallation>/Config/runner.json. See Runner Config section for configuration

Environment variables:


If RunnerRegistrationUrl is specified in config, and OPENTAP_RUNNER_TOKEN environment variable is set and the CredentialsFilePath is either not set or does not exist, a registration flow will start, similar to the runner register CLI action by using the RunnerRegistrationUrl and RunnerRegistrationToken specified in the configuration file.

If RunnerRegistrationUrl is specified in config, and OPENTAP_RUNNER_TOKEN environment variable is set and the connection is refused by the server due to an Autorization Violation exception, a registration flow will start and if the registration is successful another connection will be attempted.

tap.exe runner session


--id              : Guid formatted ID
--nats-server     : List of nats servers to connect to
--log             : File path to session log
--creds           : NATS Credentials formatted as 'seed;jwt'
--auth            : Url to Keycloak authentication configuration
--default-domain  : When 'authorization' headers are received, the access token value is associated with the default domain value
--runner-id       : ID of the runner that manages this session. This is used to retrieve the capabilities of the Session and communicate with the Runner

Sessions created by a runner (when using –runner-id) will have the following subject structure:


Sessions started on their own (without using –runner-id) will have the following subject structure:


tap.exe runner register

Sets up a new <OpenTapInstallation>/Config/runner.json config file and registers the runner at the specified --url using the --token as authentication and sets the --name as the display name of the runner.


--config        : File path to config file
--url           : Runners Service Registration Url
--token         : Runners Service Registration Token
--name          : Display name of the runner
--nats-server   : NATS Server to connect to
--capability    : Add capability tags

Environment variables:


Runner Configuration

  // Display name sent to Runner Service as part of registration and also used in the connection name to NATS.
  "Name": "John Runner",
  // Directory to store session logs. Created Sessions will also store their sessionlogs at this location.
  "LogDestination": "./SessionLogs",
  // A performance optimization in image creation. If a previously resolved image is requested again, do not consult repositories, just return last resolved image
  "UseImageCache": true,
  // Runner Service url. If this is set, the Runner will register and store registration details in the runner.json config
  "RunnerRegistrationUrl": "",
  // Tags to specify the capabilities of this runner. TestPlans created on this Runner will default request to be loaded in Runners with these tags
  "Capabilities": [
  // Connect to specified NATS servers. If registering using the "RunnerRegistrationUrl", leave this empty to use servers retrieved by the registration process
  // If "ws://" or "wss://" scheme is used, the Runner will use the "NATS Server" TapPackage and connect as a leaf server. This eliminates firewall issues.
  "NatsUrls": [
  // Enables JWT Bearer token authentication of incomming requests. The signing keys are retrieved by the runner using <AuthUrl>/.well-known/openid-configuration.
  "AuthUrl": "",
  // Default domain. Client's using SetAccessToken will set their access tokens against this domain.
  "DefaultDomain": "",
  // Preconfigured NATS Seed. The Runner will register towards RunnerRegistrationUrl using this seed. If not specified, a new seed will be generated

Configuration can be overwritten using environment variables. The variables are prefixed with OPENTAP_RUNNER_.


  • To change the LogDestination, set OPENTAP_RUNNER_LOGDESTINATION=<DesiredLogDirectory>
  • To change an array, e.g. the NatsUrls, set OPENTAP_RUNNER_NATSURLS__0=<Index 0 Nats URL>