HttpClient | GetClient (string domain=null, bool withRetryPolicy=false, string baseAddress=null) |
| Get a HttpClient with a preconfigued BaseAddress and preconfigured authentication using a Bearer token from Tokens. It is up to the caller of this method to control the lifetime of the HttpClient More...
void | Save () |
| Saves the settings held by this class to an XML file in the ComponentSettings.SetSettingsProfile(string, string).
void | Invalidate () |
| Invalidates the cache of this type of component setting.
void | Reload () |
| Forces the reload of this type of component setting from the XML file the next time the setting is used.
virtual void | Initialize () |
| Called if a new ComponentSettings is instantiated and there are no corresponding settings XML.
void | OnPropertyChanged (string propertyName) |
| Triggers the PropertyChanged event. More...
IList< TokenInfo > | Tokens = new List<TokenInfo>() [getset] |
| Token store containing access and refresh tokens. These tokens are used in the HttpClients returned by GetClient to authenticate requests.
string | BaseAddress [getset] |
| A well formed absolute URL used as as BaseAddress in HttpClients returned by GetClient. This setting determines what relative URLs (e.g. a package repository URL) are relative to. Can be null.
static T | Current [get] |
| Get the currently loaded ComponentSettings instance for this class.
string? | GroupName [get] |
| Settings group of this settings class.
static string | SettingsDirectoryRoot [getset] |
| Where settings files are located. Usually this is at "[Executable location]\Settings", but it can be set to different locations. Setting this will invalidate loaded settings.
ValidationRuleCollection | Rules [get] |
| All the validation rules. Add new rules to this in order to get runtime value validation.
string | Error [get] |
| Gets the error messages for each invalid rule and joins them with a newline.
ValidationRuleCollection | Rules [get] |
| A collection of all the currently defined validation rules. Add new rules here in order to get runtime value validation.
static ComponentSettings | GetCurrent (Type settingsType) |
| Gets current settings for a specified component. This is either an instance of the settings class previously loaded, or a new instance loaded from the associated file. More...
static ComponentSettings | GetCurrent (ITypeData settingsType) |
| Gets current settings for a specified component. This is either an instance of the settings class previously loaded, or a new instance loaded from the associated file. More...
static string | GetSettingsDirectory (string groupName, bool isProfile=true) |
| The directory where the settings are loaded from / saved to. More...
static void | EnsureSettingsDirectoryExists (string groupName, bool isProfile=true) |
| Ensures that the Settings directory exists and that the specified groupName sub directory exists. This might throw an exception if the settings directory was configured to something invalid. Like 'AUX', 'NUL', .... More...
static void | SetSettingsProfile (string groupName, string profileName) |
| Sets the directory in which settings groups are loaded from / saved to. More...
static void | SaveAllCurrentSettings () |
| Saves all ComponentSettings objects that have been loaded.
static string | GetSaveFilePath (Type type) |
| Gets the current file location where a ComponentSettings type is saved. More...
static void | SetCurrent (Stream xmlFileStream) |
| Sets current settings for a component setting based on a stream of the file contents of a ComponentSettings XML file. More...
static void | SetCurrent (Stream xmlFileStream, out IEnumerable< XmlError > errors) |
| Sets current settings for a component setting based on a stream of the file contents of a ComponentSettings XML file. More...
static ComponentSettings | GetCurrentFromCache (Type settingsType) |
| Gets current settings for a specified component from cache. More...
static bool | PersistSettingGroups |
| Gets or sets if settings groups should be persisted between processes.
virtual string | GetError (string propertyName=null) |
| Return the error for a given property
void | ThrowOnValidationError (bool ignoreDisabledProperties) |
| Checks all validation rules on this object (Rules) and throws an AggregateException on errors. More...
EventHandler | CacheInvalidated |
| Invokes when the cache for this settings item is invalidated for this item. The way to handle it is usually to fetch the new instance using ComponentSettings.GetCurrent(sender.GetType()).
PropertyChangedEventHandler | PropertyChanged |
| Standard PropertyChanged event object.
This class stores information about the logged in client.