override string | ToString () |
| Overrides ToString() to give more meaningful names. More...
| ScpiInstrument () |
| Initializes a new instance of the ScpiInstrument class.
| ScpiInstrument (IScpiIO2 io) |
| Initialize a new instance of ScpiInstrument, specifying a IScpiIO interface to use. More...
override void | Open () |
| Opens the connection to the Instrument. Assumes Visa Address property is specified.
override void | Close () |
| Closes the connection to the instrument. Assumes connection is open.
virtual string | ScpiQuery (string query, bool isSilent=false) |
| Sends a SCPI query to the instrument and waits for a response. More...
T | ScpiQuery< T > (string query, bool isSilent=false) |
| As ScpiQuery except it will try to parse the returned string to T. See Scpi.Parse for details on parsing. More...
byte[] | ScpiQueryBlock (string query) |
| Sends a IEEE Block SCPI query to the instrument and waits for a response. The response is assumed to be IEEE block data. More...
virtual T[] | ScpiQueryBlock< T > (string query) |
| Sends a IEEE Block SCPI query to the instrument and waits for a response. The response is assumed to be IEEE block data. More...
void | ScpiCommand (string command, params object[] parameters) |
| Sends a SCPI command to the instrument, but with special handling for parameters. See Scpi.Format for more information. More...
virtual void | ScpiCommand (string command) |
| Sends a SCPI command to the instrument. More...
virtual void | ScpiIEEEBlockCommand (string command, byte[] data) |
| Sends a IEEE Block SCPI command to the instrument.
virtual void | ScpiIEEEBlockCommand (string command, Stream data, long maxSize=0) |
| Sends a IEEE Block SCPI command to the instrument with a Streaming interface for large data size. Uses DirectIO.
bool | PollStatusEvent () |
| Polls the instrument for an event. More...
List< ScpiError > | QueryErrors (bool suppressLogMessages=false, int maxErrors=1000) |
| Returns all the errors on the instrument error stack. Clears the list in the same call. More...
void | WaitForOperationComplete (int timeoutMs=2000) |
| Waits for a all previously executed SCPI commands to complete. More...
void | Reset () |
| Aborts the currently running measurement and makes the default measurement active.
delegate void | ScpiSRQDelegate (ScpiInstrument sender) |
| A delegate that is used by the SRQ event. More...
| Instrument () |
| Sets the name of the instrument.
| Resource () |
| Instantiate a new instance of Resource class and creates logging source.
override string | ToString () |
| Overrides ToString() to return the Name of the resource. Can be overridden by derived classes to provider a more descriptive name. Note the overrider should include the Name in the output.
void | OnActivity () |
| Triggers the ActivityStateChanged event.
void | OnPropertyChanged (string propertyName) |
| Triggers the PropertyChanged event. More...
virtual void | SetTerminationCharacter (int inst) |
| Called by InstrumentBase.Open() before the newly opened connection is used for anything. Allows specializations of InstrumentBase to customize connection parameters such as TerminationCharacter.
virtual void | DoClear () |
| Clears the device SCPI buffers.
virtual short | DoReadSTB () |
| Reads the status byte. More...
virtual string | QueryIdn () |
| *IDN / Queries the instrument for a IDN string.
virtual string | QueryOpc () |
| *OPC / Operation Complete Query
virtual void | CommandRst () |
| *RST / Reset Command
virtual void | CommandCls () |
| *CLS / Clear Status Command
virtual string | QueryErr (bool isSilent=false) |
| SYST:ERR? / Queries the instrument for errors. This will normally be in a format like '123,"Error message"'.
virtual string | GetError (string propertyName=null) |
| Return the error for a given property
void | ThrowOnValidationError (bool ignoreDisabledProperties) |
| Checks all validation rules on this object (Rules) and throws an AggregateException on errors. More...
string | VisaAddress [getset] |
| The VISA address of the instrument that this class represents a connection to.
int | IoTimeout [getset] |
| The timeout used by the underlying VISA driver when communicating with the instrument [ms].
bool | FinegrainedLock [getset] |
| If enabled ScpiInstrument acquires an exclusive lock when opening the instrument.
bool | Lock [getset] |
| If enabled ScpiInstrument acquires an exclusive lock when opening the instrument.
uint | LockRetries [getset] |
| Specifies how many times the SCPI instrument should retry an operation, if it was canceled by another host locking the device.
double | LockHoldoff [getset] |
| Specifies how long the SCPI instrument should wait before it retries an operation, if it was canceled by another host locking the device.
bool | QueryErrorAfterCommand [getset] |
| When enabled, causes the instrument driver to ask the instrument SYST:ERR? after every command. Useful when debugging.
bool | SendClearOnConnect [getset] |
| When true, Open will send VIClear() right after establishing a connection.
bool | VerboseLoggingEnabled = true [getset] |
| Gets or sets whether Verbose SCPI logging is enabled.
bool | SendIDNOnConnect [getset] |
| When true, will send *IDN? right after establishing a connection.
bool | SendCLSOnConnect [getset] |
| When true, will send *CLS right after establishing a connection.
string | IdnString [get] |
| Gets the instrument identity string. (As returned by the SCPI command *IDN?).
ScpiSRQDelegate | SRQ |
| This event is called whenever a SRQ is generated by the instrument. Adding a handler to this event will automatically enable SRQ transactions from the instrument when the instrument is opened/closed, or while the instrument is open. More...
TraceSource | Log [get] |
| Default log that the resource object can write to. Typically used by instances and extensions of the Resource object.
string | Name [getset] |
| A short name displayed in the user interface where space is limited.
bool | IsConnected [getset] |
| Indicates whether this resource is currently connected. This value should be set by Open() and Close().
ValidationRuleCollection | Rules [get] |
| All the validation rules. Add new rules to this in order to get runtime value validation.
string | Error [get] |
| Gets the error messages for each invalid rule and joins them with a newline.
ValidationRuleCollection | Rules [get] |
| A collection of all the currently defined validation rules. Add new rules here in order to get runtime value validation.
string | Name [getset] |
| A short name to display in the user interface in areas with limited space.
bool | IsConnected [get] |
| Indicates whether this DUT is currently connected. This value should be set by Open() and Close().
IScpiIO | IO [get] |
| Get access to the low-level primitives of the connection.
Implements a connection to talk to any SCPI-enabled instrument.