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Release Notes - OpenTAP 9.12

New Features:

  • Change BreakConditionProperty's visibility from internal to public #374
  • Expose more information about properties in AnnotationCollection #464
  • Support parameterizing lists #469
  • Track package installation count #490

Usability Improvements:

  • IDisplayName annotation #286
  • FlagsEnum to handle zero (0) value specially #293
  • Read-Only List Example: Serializer warnings when copy pasting the step #425
  • Make opentap.targets use default parameters for repository #431
  • OpenTAP.Diagnostic.Event.DurationNS returns 0 on OpenTAP.ILogListener events #458
  • TestStep.GetObjectSettings performance issue #467
  • Connection name is missing in log panel #468
  • tap package install: The actions and messages related to --interactive are not logged #504
  • tap package uninstall: Extra messages when uninstalling a package which is a dependency to other packages #505
  • tap package download should not give messages about dependencies not being installed #506
  • TestStep.GetParent<T> T should be allowed to be any type #517
  • DefaultDisplayAttribute is needed to be backwards compatible with UserInputRequest #521

Bug Fixes:

  • tap package create: Cannot resolve OpenTap dependency if manually specified and not running from the OpenTAP folder #366
  • ProjectBuildTest unit tests unstable on Linux #386
  • New exception thrown when loading a recursive test plan in Test Plan Reference #448
  • Issues building package when referencing other OpenTAP Package #457
  • Sweep Parameter: Removed parameter still displayed in log #466
  • Input<string> and Input<Object> cannot co-exists in the package #473
  • TestPlanReference EnabledIf on Resource property #474
  • Race condition when doing defer #483
  • Dynamic step name for a setting with assigned output uses value from previous run not current run #494
  • Unhandled GUI Error : ScopeMember.getCommonParents #524


  • Align OpenTap marketplace VS requirements with OpenTap developer guide VS requirements #456