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Release Notes - OpenTAP 9.16

New Features:

  • Sweep Parameter Range / Step Size Needs to be Parameterizable #671
  • Place Built-In Connection Types in their Own Group #678
  • Allow Addition of Pictures to Test Steps #689
  • Add Support for Including Dependencies from .xml Files in package.xml #724
  • Implement Image Functionality #732
  • Test Plan Package as Test Plan Run Parameter #745
  • Support a list of expected exit codes for action steps #778

Usability Improvements:

  • EmbeddedProperties Gets an Empty Group and is Misaligned With Other Properties #715
  • Add Bench Setting for Including Prereleases in Package Actions #723
  • Make TestPlan Path Available to Result Listeners #738
  • Generate <OpenTapPackageReference> references earlier #742
  • Confusing Error When 'tap sdk gitversion' Fails #744
  • tap package install --version Considers Packages Differing Only for the Build Metadata Identical #761

Bug Fixes:

  • Sweep Parameter: Object of Type 'System.Object' Cannot be Converted to Type 'System.String' #696
  • Unhandled GUI Error when Changing Parameter Scope #698
  • The Plugin Manager Sometimes Loads DLLs too Eagerly #700
  • Launch Script Does Not Work on Mac #702
  • Error When Loading a Test Plan with a "Dynamic Step Example" Step #707
  • Suggested Value Annotations Not Updating #708
  • Test Step Description Showing Random String in Package Manager #722
  • Exception Thrown Inside MultiResourceSelector #729
  • Large Numbers Cause OpenTAP to Halt or Crash #731
  • Resources Cannot be set Using IStringValueAnnotations #750
  • Aborting a Test Plan Execution Returns a “Caught unhandled GUI error” #752
  • Commit 4dd2f869741af7b239fdc404dacc60926bdad1c0 Overloads tap sdk gitversion --log #753
  • GetPackageContainingFile Throws if Argument is not a File Path #758
  • Installing Editor 9.15.2 Throws XML Exceptions #760
  • Tap Run Test Plan Memory Usage #767