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Release Notes - OpenTAP 9.17

New Features:

  • Upgrade to .NET 6 #50
  • System-wide package cache #102
  • Add Url -> Add Package Location #272
  • Support for adding IResultListener when the test plan starts #298
  • Create an Admin Flag in PackageActions #40
  • Cannot update system packages, admin rights required #47
  • Dynamic Package XML: Conditions and Targets, Platforms, Configurations, etc #76
  • CliActions to support more argument types #82
  • IfVerdict Continue only works if the step is the immediate child of a loop step #88
  • OpenTap Picture SDK example #116

Usability Improvements:

  • tap package show correlation between architecture and platform #348
  • tap sdk new project project name not properly validated #123
  • Deserializing Settings without required package has confusing log warning. #274
  • When installing a package from a repository that does not exists, the error seems overly verbose #64
  • TapSerializer errors should be accessible from plugins #87
  • Emit a warning if multiple packages are found with the same name. #100
  • LicenseRequired="" inserted into OpenTAP package XML #103
  • Packages for the wrong platform can be installed without any warning #106
  • Obsolete Newtonsoft APIs #110
  • Ubuntu: Incorrect cache message when not using --repository #337
  • Tap.Upgrader should not try to update tap.exe if the input is the same as the output #339
  • tap package show compatible platform Linux shown twice #346
  • Typos for Use Local Package Cache tooltip #391
  • Update PluginDevelopment.Gui in Examples to use .NET Framework 4.7.2 #398
  • Implement downloading from MockRepository #402
  • Allow controlling the WorkQueue.EnqueueWork thread context #408
  • PackageDependencies should always be prepended with ^ #243
  • Install OpenTAP as package in debug builds #248
  • Support overlapping enum values #264
  • Make ScpiInstrument Not Abstract #84
  • Version injection using the Mono method cannot add a version attribute #89
  • Parent Verdict is set to Error on Break Condition of Child Step #90
  • Step Break Conditions - break on Pass? #91
  • Migrate to using SmartInstaller instead of Inno #98
  • Add key/value list for additional custom metadata to PackageDef #114

Bug Fixes:

  • No user dialogs when breaking install by downgrading OpenTAP #411
  • Incorrect OS when installing dependencies #341
  • Run command is returning an error on parameterized test plan #350
  • Uninstall Developer's System - not working properly #376
  • GenericSequenceAnnotation cache bug #378
  • GetVersion throws an exception when serializing test steps #380
  • Cannot update OpenTAP to release version #421
  • Skipping assembly Tap.Upgrader.exe. Image is too small. #422
  • TestPlanRun constructor throw when resultListeners is null #434
  • Unable to rebuild projects: Files are in use #447
  • Writing annotations fails when using shared projects #195
  • Upgrading OpenTAP 9.16.2 to 9.17.0-beta.8 is working without .NET 6 #211
  • Signing fails on main branch #233
  • AvailableValues not updating automatically #254
  • AvailableValueList is not refreshed by the GUI #255
  • TypeData hard crash when loading dll's from incompatible frameworks #278
  • Version resolution issue in tap package install #311
  • Test Plan break does not work for Pass and Inconclusive #316
  • Error displayed in log "Installed OpenTAP version is not compatible" #327
  • Multiple assemblies of different versions named tap exists #333
  • ComponentSettings SaveAllCurrentSettings does not save all current settings #113
  • Incompatible dll references are silently ignored #119
  • tap sdk gitversion fails on RHEL 8 #99
  • .NET 6 MonoResolver cannot resolve GAC assemblies #337
  • Uninstall HTML5 does not work properly. Exception in log #343
  • Could not install packages from Package Cache #345
  • TestStepList.AllowType(Type,Type) throws exception for .net 6 references #352
  • Image install Msbuild does not download all packages #386
  • Cannot downgrade OpenTAP 9.17 to 9.16 #394
  • Unhandled GUI error when adding a sweep value in sweep loop: parameter name source null #468
  • Version resolution can't handle simple usecases #188
  • PackageDependencies are not written to XML files! #241
  • OpenTAP Picture Example: Default path incorrect #256
  • tap.exe and tap.dll have different versions #315
  • OpenTAP nuget installs 32bit OpenTAP in bin folders #330
  • Ubuntu - Installing plugins to target folder does not work #336
  • GenerateOpenTapReferenceProps sometimes fails on 2nd build #107


  • Remove VS2015 needed software required - "Getting Started" section from Developer Guide #258
  • Recommend against using Snap for dotnet on linux #259
  • Document scoped parameters in user guide #57