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This section introduces essential OpenTAP terminology, concepts, and tools. It is intended to provide users with an understanding of OpenTAP and its ecosystem to get started. For a more technical description, see the Developer Guide. For a reference of CLI options, see the documentation on CLI usage.

OpenTAP consists of multiple tools, including:

  • OpenTAP - core engine
  • CLI - command line interface for installed plugins, and
  • Package Manager - a tool to manage installed plugins

This overview is dedicated to OpenTAP itself. A detailed description, along with common usage scenarios, of the latter two tools will be given in the following chapters.

Test Plans

A test plan is a sequence of test steps and their associated data. They are stored as XML files, and use the ".TapPlan" file extension. Test plans are created with an editor. They can be executed either in an editor, or by using the tap run CLI action. A test step can be a child step, a parent step, or both. Therefore, a test plan is a recursive structure of test steps. This hierarchy is illustrated in the figure below.

The step sequence is ordered from top to bottom, and child steps are indented to indicate that they belong to a parent step.

The execution order of child steps is decided by the parent step. For example, two typical parent steps are Parallel and Sequential, shown below. MyStep is given as an example to illustrate that the topology of step execution can be controlled entirely by a parent step. Notice that the behavior of MyStep can be achieved by putting a Parallel step in a Sequence step.

Test Steps

A test step is an element which encapsulates some piece of functionality. It should perform a single step of the test being run. The definition given is intentionally vague, as a step can perform a myriad of actions. It could make a measurement using an instrument, or control a piece of hardware such as adjusting fan speed or voltage. It could also pause test execution, open a dialog window, make a web request, run a different program, or control the execution of other steps.

The aforementioned associated data of test steps refers to step settings and resources. Step settings affect the behavior of a step. All steps have three common settings:

  1. Enabled enables or disables the step. This is useful for temporarily disabling certain steps without making destructive changes to a plan.
  2. Step Name sets the name of the step. This name will be reflected in the test plan as well.
  3. Break Conditions allows a step to override the break behavior specified in the engine settings.

In addition to these common settings, a step may provide its own settings. These vary widely in functionality. For a dialog step, which opens a dialog box, the message in the dialog box is controlled by a step setting. The buttons in the dialog box (Yes / No / Cancel), and what happens when clicking those buttons, is also controlled by step settings.

On the other hand, Session Log and Result Listeners are situated outside of the test plan because they interpret the output of the test, and do not influence it directly. Ensuring this decoupling between generation and interpretation of results guarantees that, say, a new database can be added to store results without making any changes to the test steps, or their execution.


Every test step has a verdict. However, this verdict is not a part of the actual test plan. Rather, it is set during the execution of the the test plan.

NotSet is the default verdict for all test steps. A step can set a verdict during execution to indicate success. A test plan ouputs a verdict according to the verdicts of its steps. The verdict of a test plan is the most severe verdict of its child steps. A verdict has one of 6 severities, detailed in the following table:

1NotSetNo verdict was set
2PassStep or plan passed
3InconclusiveInsufficient information to make a decision either way
4FailStep or plan failed
5AbortedUser aborted test plan
6ErrorAn error occurred. Check session logs for more information

This means that, for a test plan to output a Pass verdict, at least one step must set their verdict to Pass, and the rest must either set their verdict to Pass or NotSet verdict. This is also the most typical behavior for parent steps containing child steps; a Sequential step passes if all of its children pass. However, this is not a rule. Parent steps decide their own verdict conditions.

Break Conditions operate based on step verdicts. The default engine setting is to abort the test plan if an Error verdict is encountered, and continue otherwise. The following break conditions can be toggled independently:

  1. Break On Error
  2. Break On Fail
  3. Break On Inconclusive

Overriding break conditions in a given step affects all child steps in the step's hierarchy. The break conditions of a child step can be further overridden, affecting its child hierarchy, and so on.

When a break condition is triggered, execution of the current hierachy is interrupted. The verdict that triggered the break condition is propagated upwards through the parent hierarchy until the break condition is no longer met. In other words, until the test plan is stopped, or until a parent step is reached which does not break on the given verdict. In the latter case, test plan execution will resume from the next step in the sequence.

The following figure illustrates how break conditions affect test execution, and how verdicts are propagated from child steps to parent steps:

Steps run sequentially from top to bottom, and verdicts from child steps are propagated upwards to their immediate parent. In this figure, the break condition on each step is specified on the right along with the source. Bold text means the break condition is explicitly set for that specific step, which is then inherited by child steps. Due to the Break On Error break condition, the last two steps are never executed in this example.


OpenTAP is intended for software as well as hardware testing. The concept of Instruments and DUTs (plural of Device Under Test) are essential for OpenTAP. In the classical case, a DUT is a device under test, calibration, or control, and an instrument is anything that makes measurements. To integrate resources into test plans, whether to control them or read their measurements, they must be connected to test steps that know how to communicate with them. In other words, a resource driver is required. Creation of such a driver is described in the Developer Guide.

OpenTAP is quite flexible regarding resources. Typically, they would be local, physical equipment. But they can easily be more abstract, such as a virtual resource, or even a remote resource. Depending on your use case, all of the following scenarios are valid:

  1. Having no DUTs or instruments
  2. Using a single device as a DUT and an instrument simultaneously
  3. Using software resources as DUTs or instruments
  4. Using many DUTs and instruments

Out of the box, OpenTAP does not provide any resources for hardware control. For that, you need plugins.

Result Listeners

Result listeners are notified whenever a test step generates log output, or publishes results.

OpenTAP ships with a simple result listener called Text Log, which saves log information from a test plan run to a file. Its behavior can be modified via settings, including changing the file name and location of the log, as well as filtering the log information. There are 4 message categories: Errors, Warnings, Information, and Debug, each of which can be checked and unchecked.

Analogous to Text Log, there is a result listener plugin named CSV. Rather than logging information, this plugin saves all results published by test steps to a CSV file, which can also be changed via settings.

There are also PostgreSQL and SQLite result listeners that store all results and logs from a test plan run, as well as a copy of the test plan itself, making it possible to restore and run and old version of a test plan. The PostgreSQL plugin be configured to use either a local database, or publish to a remote database.

There is no limit to the number of active result listeners, and you can have multiple result listeners of the same type. For example, you could create two different Text Log listeners collecting Debug and Information log messages, respectively. There are more result listeners available in the package repository, and developers can make new result listener plugins to suit their needs, such as integrating with a different database technology, or uploading test results to a website.

Result listeners are tied to an OpenTAP installation, and not a test plan. Result listener settings are stored in <install dir>/Settings/Results.xml. Like test plans, we do not recommend editing these by hand. However, they can be generated and edited using our test plan editors.

Session Logs

OpenTAP keeps extensive session logs for debugging purposes. Session logs are kept from the 20 latest OpenTAP instances launched, and are created independently of result listeners. The maximum amount of storage space used for session log files is 2GB, with the largest size of a single file being 100MB. When this limit is reached a new log file is created. There is a maximum number of 20 files kept at any given time. If the number of session log files exceeds 20 or the total file size surpasses 2GB, log files will be removed starting with the oldest first.

The content of the session log files is similar to the logs collected by Text Log, but these also contain diagnostic messages from OpenTAP and any plugins you may have installed. They can be found in <install dir>/SessionLogs, and are named after the time and date at which they were created.

The session logs contain the same information you would see in your terminal when running tap with the --verbose flag. If you encounter errors, the logs may contain useful information for discovering what went wrong. If you think you discovered a bug in OpenTAP, please file an issue on GitHub. If applicable, please include instructions on how to replicate the issue, as well as relevant logs.

Packages and Plugins

OpenTAP can be extended with plugins. A plugin provides a single piece of functionality. For example, a plugin could provide a new test step, or a new result listener. Plugins come in packages. A package is a versioned collection of plugins. Plugins vary widely in the functionality they provide.

Some examples are:

  • GUI editors for creating and running test plans
  • SDK plugins to aid in developing and debugging plugins
  • Tools for analyzing test plans in real time to discover performance bottlenecks (Timing Analyzer)
  • REST interface to OpenTAP to allow you to control it remotely (REST-API)

Installing, uninstalling, upgrading, downgrading, and dependencies are all managed by the OpenTAP package manager. A package declares its own dependencies and OS / CPU compatibility, and the package manager resolves those dependencies with the packages in your current installation, if possible. Usage of the package manager is described in detail in the next section.

The below figure shows the relation between plugins and OpenTAP. OpenTAP is at the center, and plugins, providing a variety of functionality, can be added and removed painlessly.

Check out our public package repository here to browse available plugins.